(This file is best viewed using a mono-spaced font, such as Monaco 9.)
This program is only intended for use on a Macintosh color computer with at least a 4 bit (16 color) display and System 6.05 or later (System 7.0 recommended). System 6.0x must run with MultiFinder. This program supports 4, 8, 16, and 32 bit color systems, but monitor must be at least 12" in size (minimum of 512 pixels by 384 pixels). This program does not require a math coprocessor (even though it is doing some heavy number crunching), but it will take advantage of one, if present. The program is 32-bit clean and can generate fractal in the background, permitting the user to engage in other frivolous activities. The Power Mac version is available - and its FAST!!!
Unregistered Version
CFG 2.2 unregistered version
Registration Form form for registering CFG
miniManual this document
Settings ƒ sample fractal settings
Palettes ƒ C source code for creating your own
palettes (THINK C 6.0 format) and some
sample palettes
CFG Manual full CFG manual (Word 4.0/5.0 format)
CFG Scripting Guide technical documentation of scripting CFG
(Word 4.0/5.0 format)
AppleScript ƒ AppleScript examples
CFG & Frontier ƒ UserLand Frontier install files and
DocServer documentation for scripting
movieDemo sample Frontier script (and two support
scripts) that creates a PICS fractal
cfgMovieDemo.ucmd "plug-in" for Frontier to add
functionality required by movieDemo;
includes C source code for the UCMD
µCinema Convert simple PICS to QuickTime conversion
application and C source code
Standard Version ($15 registration)
Everything from "Unregistered Version" with the following exceptions: both 680x0 and PowerMac versions of CFG are included and both are the registered versions (no time limits or please register messages).
Master Version ($40 registration)
Everything from "Standard Version" plus:
Source ƒ full source code to CFG in THINK C 6.0
format (you will need a copy of Frontier
SDK 3.0 to compile code - available on
bulletin boards everywhere)
If you downloaded this application from a bulletin board or on-line service, chances are that the documentation and UserLand Frontier scripting support files were not included with the package. The reason is that the manual and scripting files are several hundred kilobytes in size. These extra files should be available online. All manuals provided is in Microsoft Word 4.0/5.0 format. If you would like a copy sent to you (instead of downloading) or world like the manuals in a different format, please contact me (see the registration section for my address). Send either a self addressed stamped envelope with an 800K disk or $5 (disk and shipping charge) for a disk with the manual and scripting files. You can also receive these files by registering.
I highly recommend that you obtain a copy of the manuals since some functions of CFG are not obvious. Also, unless you know how to correctly work the New Parameters window and set the global and local generation options, you might get frustrated with the program.
The help system in CFG will provide much of the required information, however. You can access this system by choosing ‘Help’ from the Apple (‘’) menu. First read about the help system. Then, choose ‘Creating Fractals’ from the pop-up menu to get started.
This program is Shareware. I am asking for a registration fee of $15 for the Standard Version of CFG. If you pay the fee, you will receive both the 68000 and PowerMac registered versions of CFG. You will also receive the skeleton code for creating your own CFG palettes (in THINK C 6.0 format). All you need to do is put in the code to create the desired colors.
Ok, now, here's the real value. If you send $40 for registration, I will send you the Master Version of CFG. This version includes the FULL SOURCE CODE in Metrowerks CodeWarrior format (only slight modifications are required to run under THINK C 6.0 or later). This will allow you to modify the procedures for your own program (however, you are not permitted to release or sell modified versions of this program or release or sell code which is based entirely or in part on this program's source code). You will receive all of the standard registration features, along with a free future upgrade (sorry, no source with the upgrade).
I will provide a hard copy of the documentation for $25 (laser printer supplies are expensive). The printed documentation includes the CFG User's Manual and CFG Scripting Guide.
Please, when you register, try to send either a check or money order. I will accept cash, but it could become a real hassle, especially if it gets lost in the mail. Mention that you are registering for Color Fractal Generator 2.2 (I have a couple other Shareware products). Finally, if you have an E-mail address, provide that as well.
Send your Shareware fees to:
John Schlack
824 Rhoads Avenue
Jenkintown, PA 19046
You may also pay by credit card! Just connect to CompuServe and GO COMPUTERS. Select "Shareware Registration".
Author: John Schlack
Program: Color Fractal Generator 2.21
Registration ID: 2811
Price: $15
If you need to contact me, I can be reached at the following E-mail locations: